Rosemary Square is an important cog in the Rosemary District, the Blvd of the Arts and Arts in General in a BIG Way! If Sarasota is the Cultural Capital of Florida we have to mean it and that statement is solidly exuded with this amazing project with the condos owned by Sarasota Opera to house seasonal artists, and Building 3 a trifecta of art cultivation with the top floor occupied by the studios of Sarasota Contemporary Dance, the ground floor housing Sarasota Ballet School and the Arnold Simonson Players Studio on the middle floor. The outdoor courtyard is home to The Overton, Spice Station Sarafresh cold pressed raw juice, Artisan Cheese Company make this a truly magnetic hub that you will surely feel when you go there. Designed by Jonathan Parks AIA of Solstice Planning and Architecture it is also the home to this firm's offices.
Although these condos are not for sale commercial spaces are available from time to time
If you are looking to buy a place, then please contact us for assistance - we'll be glad to help!